Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Imagining a campaign

For the third term of my fourth and last year as a journalism student, I have elected to produce a public service announcement campaign. The focus of the campaign will be young people and cancer, highlighting the fact that one's youth does not exempt them from being diagnosed with the disease. In general, cancer is not at the forefront of most youngster's minds- and why should it be, isnt HIV and STD's what we're meant to be watching out for? As young adults in South Africa today, we are educated on and made aware of the dangers of unprotected sex and multiple sexual partners. However, I feel that since cancer is a disease that no-one can prevent and one that does not see age, gender, class or status, it is one that is especially worth focusing on. the PSA's I will be prodcuing will have a central thread running through them: age is only a number. Cancer is a threat to everyone including youngters. PSA's are a call to action, a way of highlighting a serious issue that needs attention.
I will produce this campaign in Soundslides Plus which allows me to combine audio and visual elements. each PSA in the campaign will be between 45 seconds to a minute, just long enough to drive a message home.

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